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Our annual meeting is held in the spring of each year, attracting a large number of medical physicists and industry representatives. For more information on this year’s meeting or to browse through pictures and presentations from previous meetings, click the "More info" button below.



SWAAPM is working with industry sponsors to provide web seminar opportunities for our members. Please check periodically for updates.



SW AAPM membership dues are now handled through the national AAPM website. If you have not already paid your chapter dues, you can pay them on the national chapters website.


  • Thanks for a great annual meeting!

We had a blast in Baton Rouge!  Over 150 SWAAPM members, trainees, and vendors came together for three days of collaboration, networking, and celebration.

Support from vendors and individual SWAAPM members allowed us to acknowledge the outstanding work of our trainees with over $5,000 given in presentation and travel awards.  If you would like to volunteer for SWAAPM and or donate towards next year's SWAAPM awards, please email us at

Dr. Neil Kirby was awarded the Dr. Kenneth "Kip" Matthews SWAAPM Mentorship Award.

Dr. Joseph Dugas was awarded the Robert J. Shalek Award.

Barbara Marquez was awarded first place in the Early Career Investigator Symposium, followed by Taylor Meyers in second, and Hunter Meyer in third.

Thank you to The Pitts Little Corporation, Arjit Baghwala, and Raj Mitra for sponsoring our ECIS awards!

Congratulations to SWAAPM MedPhys SLAM winner Kristen Duke who will go on to represent our chapter at the national AAPM meeting in Washington, DC!  Second place was awarded to Lillian Dickson and third to Diana Carrasco Rojas.

Thank you to The Pitts Little Corporation, Kip Matthews and Julie Pollard-Larkin for sponsoring our SLAM awards!

The top 3 posters were presented by Corinne Vanya, Hana Baroudi, and Bowen Yang, in no particular order.

Thank you to CDR Systems for sponsoring all three poster awards!

In addition, we provided 10 travel awards to students to enable them to attend the meeting.  These awards were sponsored by iba Dosimetry (x3), Bethany Broekhoven, Bobby Mathews, Neil Kirby, and the Dustin Gress Tribute Foundation of the Texas Gulf Coast (x3).

A huge thank you to all our vendor partners for your support.  You are a vital part of an impactful meeting!

Aktina Medical, Ashland Specialty Ingredients G.P., Atrix Medical Systems Inc., CDR Systems Inc, C-RAD, DYN'R US Inc., Fuse Oncology, GE HealthCare, iRT Systems GmbH, LAP, Luminus AI, MIM Software, NELCO Worldwide, Phantom Labratory, Pitts Little Corporation, PTW North American Corporation, Radformation, RaySearch Americas, RSA, ScandiDos Inc., Standard Imaging, Sun Nuclear, Therapanacea, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center ADCL, Varian, and VisionRT.

-Sara Thrower, SWAAPM Secretary

  • The 2026 SWAAPM annual meeting will be held on February 5-7th at Great Wolf Lodge in Grapevine, TX. The meeting program will be available closer to the meeting date.  Meeting registration will be available later this year!


  • For CAMPEP CE credit:  You must complete the meeting evaluation.  It will be available at the annual meeting.


Contact Us 


SWAAPM Officers


SWAAPM Webmasters: Yulong Yan

                                       Bobby Mathews


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